Tips For Your Teenagers First Bra Fitting

It’s not just Mums that know about how tricky first bra fittings can be, us bra fitter’s are pretty well rehearsed with just how much can go wrong in a first bra fitting too. A Teenagers first bra fitting is absolutely crucial to get right. Their first experience will either set them up for a life time of bra wearing success or  years of pain and torment at the thought of having their bra fitted.  My best advice is to do your research and find a Bra Fitter you can trust with this very important task. 

teenagers first bra fitting
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Since getting bra fitting is an overwhelming process for a first-timer, in this article, we’ve put together tips that will help you and your teenager get through their first bra fitting successfully. These tips will tell you how to prepare and what to expect.

When will your teenager start to develop breasts?

The female breast starts growing from the age of 8-13. Eight years old is considered an early stage for breast development (some might begin at seven years old), while thirteen years old is regarded as a late stage of breast growth. Teen girls often have questions concerning their breasts as they grow, so it’s important for both parents, preferably the mother, to pay attention and educate them.

A teenagers first bra fitting - when does she need one?

It is important to keep an eye on the early signs of puberty. Know that every girl is different, and just because you started developing at an older age doesn’t mean your child will. From the age of eight, you should be looking for the signs. 

When a girl starts developing breasts, all they might need is a sports bra for training, while others will develop rapidly and need a bra after a couple of months. When your teen starts to feel pain in her breasts or feel her breasts wobbling, it’s time to get her fitted for a bra. Note that it differs with different girls and you need to also prepare your teen emotionally for when the time comes to wear bras.

When To Get Your Teen Fitted For A Bra
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What to discuss before your Teenagers First Bra Fitting?

These tips will come in handy for a teenager’s first bra fitting. Before you decide when to get your teen fitted for a bra, you need to have discussed these key elements with them.

1. Bra Fitting Takes Time

Teenagers’ first bra fitting takes time. It’s not a process that will take ten minutes to complete. Whoever that’s measuring them will want to take their time, so they don’t measure wrong. Wearing the wrong bra size can lead to health issues which is why teenagers first bra fitting takes time. They may measure them more than twice. 

Also, you might be the only one in the store coming for a bra fitting. If this is the case, you will spend even more time than anticipated at the store. If you’re wondering when you get your teen fitted for a bra, the answer is during the beginning of the week. Fewer people are at the store, allowing the staff to focus on your teen and work faster. You can also find out if they take appointments as this can shorten your visit tremendously. 

Averagely, it should take about 30 to 45 minutes for your teenagers first bra fitting.

2. Your Shirt Will Be Off

During teenagers first bra fitting, they will have to take their shirt off for the person to measure to have a precise and accurate number. At a young age, it is common for girls to be shy and have body image issues; after all, their bodies are changing rapidly, and they may not want anybody to see these changes.

It’s okay if you’re shy but remember the people taking the measurement are professionals, and you’ll be in a private room where no one can see you. The last thing on anybody’s mind is your body. They are more focused on giving you the right bra for comfort. When to take your teen fitted for a bra is after you’ve explained why they will be taking their shirt off and reassuring them. It would be overwhelming if they didn’t know, and on a teenagers first bra fitting, they are told to take their shirt off.

3. You Might Try More than One Bra

Since there are different bra types, styles, and sizes, you will most likely try many of them. It’s okay to tell the people at the store which bra you prefer. It might be a front-closure bra or a back one. It might be a cotton bra or a lacy bra. Or maybe you like a sports bra. It’s also okay if you cannot decide on the type you want. One tip to help you through it is to choose the bra that gives you the most comfort and confidence. 

When to get your teen fitted for a bra is after you’ve told them that they don’t have to put anything on their body that displeases them. It’s very important for girls to develop confidence from a young age, and wearing what they don’t like will do the opposite.

4. It Might Be Awkward

Teenagers first bra fitting might get a little awkward. The most important thing about this is that it will only get uncomfortable if you let it. It’s hard not to feel weird about a stranger in this same room with you trying to take your measurement. But that weird feeling will fade when you realize it’s completely normal, and many girls like you go through the process. 

The woman taking your measurement will ask questions about your breasts, like how they feel in a particular bra. It’s important to answer honestly because the woman’s main aim is to make you feel comfortable, nothing more. Also, they may explain different bra types to you and their perks, so be prepared to learn new things.

5. It's Easy

Teenagers first bra fitting process is easy. You will not have to do anything other than talk about what makes you comfortable. It might be uncomfortable initially, but when you relax, you realize it’s not all that bad.

6. Every Bra Size is Perfect

Many teen girls compare themselves with others, and when they discover their bra size, it may not be what they expected or like their friends. Every female body is different, and it doesn’t matter what size your breasts are. You are perfect, and it doesn’t change a thing. Before you decide when you get your teen fitted for a bra, you should consider how they will react to their bra size and reassure them that their body is flawless. 

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How Often Should Your Teenager Get A Bra Fitting

How often should you get a bra fitting for your teenager? It depends on the girl. Some females grow faster than others, while some grow slowly and steadily. Overall, it would be best if you got your teen fitted for a bra at least once a year. When they experience these signs, you will know when to get your teen fitted for a bra.


Getting bra fitting ensures your teenager wears the right size of bra, which will make them feel good in their body. These tips will make your teenagers first bra fitting less overpowering and more comfortable.

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